7 Common Side Effects of Erectile Dysfunction Medication

0:00 Introduction
0:40 Headaches
1:07 Digestive system problems
1:39 Body aches and pain
2;06 Dizziness
2;26 Changes in vision
2:44 congestion and running nose
2:54 Flushed skin
● Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be caused by multiple physical and psychological causes.
● Also known as impotence, ED can result in a lower quality of life as people fail to enjoy a normal, healthy sexual relationship.
● Physical causes in men are fairly common as they age, whereas psychological causes can occur at any point in life.
● While it is possible to reduce the effect of ED on your life through medication, the medication can result in several side effects that you might have to deal with.
● Let’s look at seven common ones:
One: Headaches
● ED medication uses nitric oxide, a vasodilator, to expand blood vessels inside the penis.
● The enlarged blood vessels result in greater blood flow, which helps maintain an erection.
● However, the blood going into the penis may come from the head, which can result in a headache.
● This side effect can occur with any ED medication and is something you will have to learn to cope with.
Two: Digestive System Problems
● ED medication can result in several digestive system problems, with indigestion and diarrhea being the most common ones.
● These symptoms can occur no matter what medication you take.
● You will need to make dietary changes to deal with these side effects.
● Two necessary dietary changes are eating more fiber and drinking more water.
● More fiber is necessary to combat indigestion and constipation, while you will need to drink more water to make up for what you lose due to diarrhea.
Three: Body Aches and Pain
● Many people have complained of body aches after taking ED medication, with lower back pain being the most common complaint.
● Taking some over-the-counter pain medication is usually enough to deal with this side effect.
● However, you should consult with a doctor before taking any pain-relieving medication.
● They can help determine why you are experiencing the pain, and if medication will help deal with it.
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Four: Dizziness
● The nitric oxide can also cause dizziness.
● The dizziness experienced after taking ED medication is usually slight but has caused people to faint in some rare cases.
● See your doctor right away if you fainted, but also if you regularly experience dizziness due to ED medication.
Five: Changes in Vision
● ED medication is not recommended to people who have experienced vision loss because it can result in blurry and altered vision.
● Total vision loss is very rare, but you still need to consult with a doctor if your vision is affected by the medication.
Six: Congestion and Runny Nose
● A stuffy and runny nose is a common side effect of ED medication which usually goes away with treatment.
Seven: Flushed Skin
● The change in blood flow can also result in flushes, causing the skin to get red.
● The flushes are usually just reddish spots but can end up being deeply red like rashes.
● The flushes can become worse if you:
1. Have had spicy food
2. Are outside while it’s warm
3. Drank alcohol before taking the medication